StableNet® Network Configuration & Change Management

Reduce configuration errors with vendor independent automation

Discovery &

Network Configuration & Change

Fault Management &
Root Cause Analysis

Performance &

NCCM at a glance

Network Configuration and Change Management Software

Configuration standards can be built based on corporate policies, therefore violation of these standards can be mitigated.

The StableNet® NCCM software not only captures every configuration change (Who? What? Where? When?) for a device within its database, but also has the ability to structure large-scale changes into jobs for controlled executions and also roll-back.

At StableNet®, we’ve always designed our NCCM solution with automation at the core. Whether you are using CLI, SNMP, or Netconf, you have a single platform to manage your multi-technology network infrastructure and make sure that every configuration you make is reliable, repeatable, and consistent across your entire network.

Ready to see how StableNet® can transform your network operations and bring you into the future of automated management?

StableNet® NCCM Workflow

More NCCM Features

Check out some of the key functionalities

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Config Generator

StableNet's® easy answer for all your configuration needs

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Vulnerability Management

Find and troubleshoot the weaknesses in your network

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Lifecycle & EoX Management

An automated, scalable approach to Lifecycle & EoX Management

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Policy Management

Policy and Compliance Validation

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Zero Touch Provisioning

Fully automated network and services rollout

Key Benefits

See what StableNet® can do for you and why it matters



Complete configuration backup and restore for all devices under management


of complex tasks into simple templates, and therefore accelerating time to complete changes and roll-outs


Elimination of risks

associated with human error due to ad-hoc changes


Ensuring of compliance with regulatory requirements


Policy management

Enforcing of corporate policies and quickly viewing configuration deviations from those standards


Vulnerability management

Localization of devices within the enterprise that have known vulnerabilities, and mitigation against those risks


ITIL compliance

Enabling the use of best practices within an organization



Pro-active identification of devices that have reached EoL/EoS

Ready for multi-vendor network management?

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