Vendor and Technology independent Network Automation (NCCM)

StableNet® Use Case – Network Configuration & Change

Discovery &

Network Configuration & Change

Fault Management &
Root Cause Analysis

Performance &

Vendor- & Technology-Independent Network Automation: A next-generation, unified solution to automated Network Configuration & Change Management (NCCM)

See how StableNet® continues to set the industry standard for secure network automation by offering a vendor-independent NCCM solution that is both automated and customizable.

Executive Summary

Background & Motivation

Network Configuration and Change Management (NCCM) is essential for proactive and reactive network changes, ensuring the seamless operation of network infrastructure. NCCM software automates redundant tasks, minimizing human error, reducing costs, and enhancing Key Performance Indicator (KPI) performance and Service Level Agreement (SLA) delivery. However, due to the lack of standardized syntax for network configurations, even first-level engineers must be adept with various vendor-specific implementations to perform basic tasks. A flexible platform that integrates multiple technologies and vendors, while enriching extracted information through external databases, is crucial for effective network management.

The StableNet® platform automates configuration generation and maintenance using discovery templates and command line snippets, enriched by variables from external data sources. This makes configuration changes reliable and repeatable. A Configuration Difference Analysis tool visualizes comparisons and tracks modifications, while templates, snippets, workflows, and audit logs are centrally stored with version control and role-based access. User-friendly Configuration Jobs deploy updates quickly and efficiently across the network. StableNet®‘s consolidated NCCM solution goes beyond automated configuration changes, integrating critical tasks like Discovery, Fault Management, and Performance Management into a unified platform. Built on a single code base and accessible from a single GUI, StableNet® provides a holistic approach to network and service management, streamlining workflows and optimizing resource utilization.

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