The StableNet® Innovation Lab

Open Innovation at Infosim®

StableNet® Innovation Lab brings together users and partners of the industry-leading network and service management platform StableNet® with our internal team of highly-skilled researchers.

The collaborations revolve around the implementation of cutting-edge technologies impacting both the present and future of network management.

Projects from artificial intelligence and machine learning to anomaly detection and capacity planning are underway, all of them with the shared goal of collectively exploring best practices in unifying the newest research findings with real-world applications that matter most to you.

“The exchange with customers and partners has always been one of the most valuable sources for our future R&D activities. With the StableNet® Innovation Lab, we will strengthen our commitment to unifying cutting-edge research with customer insights through a practical, open and systematic innovation management (incremental and disruptive) in order to continue delivering the most powerful platform for network and services management.”

David Hock

Director of Research, Infosim GmbH & Co. KG

Our Areas of Innovation

These are the main areas that will be worked on more intensively as part of the StableNet® Innovation Lab.

In-Depth Thoughts on Open & Closed Innovation

„Most innovations fail. And companies that don’t innovate die.“ (Henry Chesbrough)

Read this in-depth blog post about the topic of innovation, what is hidden behind the terms open and closed innovation and how we currently perceive the topic and intend to approach it in the future.

Previous Webinars on Data Science & AIOps

Before the establishment of the StableNet® Innovation Lab, we already conveyed ideas of Open Innovation in earlier snapshots. These were mostly focused on the area of “AIOps”, but are still relevant independently.
Introduction & Overview
Quantum Key Distribution as a Service
Beyond 2D Network Visualization

Selected Research Projects

A selection of our research projects related to the above mentioned areas of innovation.



Open Disaggregated 6G Network Fabric




Improved accessibility to industrial networks through smart visualization




Optimization of QKD-networks using machine learning




Providing Resilient & secure networks to critical infrastructures




Measurement methodology of user-oriented quality of service and network quality in 5G mobile networks



Explore more of our Research Projects


This is just the beginning


This page just contains a brief summary of what the StableNet® Innovation Lab is about. More information is available for our partners and customers on the Community Portal.

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