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Marketing at Infosim®
An interview with our Director of Marketing

March 25th 2021, Würzburg

Hello David, as it has been nearly a year since you first joined Infosim® as the Director of Marketing, we wanted to ask you a few questions about your experience at the company and some of the key initiatives that your department has been working on during that time.

Let us start with your experience joining the company. How was your first year at Infosim® and what were some important insights that you can share with us?

Looking back over the last year, it has definitely been an exciting journey to join such an engaged and motivated team. It has also been fascinating to witness the rapid growth of the company, especially in the Telco space were we could welcome some major new customers like MTN and 1&1 Versatel.

Generally though, it has really been a smooth start at the company. Infosim is very innovative and research driven (which fits with my own background in academia) and has a great product in StableNet® that serves a well-defined and growing market. The clear leadership and vision of the firm has facilitated working together across departments, and everyone from the top down has been very helpful in developing our communication strategy together.

Since StableNet® is a highly technical product, what do you see as the most important aspects in communicating its benefits to both existing and potential customers?

While the product itself is quite technical, requiring highly competent developers and researchers, the clear vision of the team and the well-defined problems it solves for the customers make it relatively easy to communicate StableNet’s features and benefits. By providing a tool that allows network operators to manage, control and operate their multi-vendor and -technology networks with a single GUI and platform, we have a unique and easy-to-grasp selling point with our product.

The challenge lies more in tailoring our communication approach to the different audiences that we interact with, as the level of technical understanding varies a lot between different decision makers, depending on their expertise inside their companies or agencies. That means that we have to be able to speak to different audiences and make sure to address the “high level” needs as well as provide more technical information of what a specific solution looks like.

Can you tell us about the biggest changes or projects that you have been working on during the last 12 months?

One of the biggest changes has been the development of a portfolio of use cases (and new collateral in general) based on existing functionalities and features of StableNet® , while also beginning the process of not only writing about already-available features, but focusing on future features that will come to market in the near future. That way we can inform our customers and partners what is in the pipeline and which additional functionalities or changes they can expect. This also reflects a general change of our communication strategy towards being more proactive.

Another important change was the development and introduction of our new brand identity, which was a big step in creating a unified visual approach to how we conceptualize and communicate the unique features of StableNet® as a holistic solution.

The new StableNet® Logo is part of the new brand identity

What is your overarching vision for the communication and marketing strategy going forward?

We are of course going to continue to keep our customers and partners up-to-date regarding new product features and the latest developments of the StableNet® platform. Additionally, we will also continue to focus on new developments in the market and listen closely to the feedback we get from our customers, as well as keep developing helpful collateral for our partners. Specifically, my goal is to continue to improve upon data-driven decision making. This is particularly important right now with a lot of our partners and customers adjusting their workflows due to certain restrictions.

I also look forward to continued close collaboration across departments within the firm, as we not only staying on the cutting edge of network management, but also continue to communicate these developments across our various channels with both detail and impact.

Can you tell us about some of the biggest challenges you faced during first year as Director of Marketing?

One of the biggest challenges has definitely been the switch to almost completely virtual communication with our partners and customers. I´m definitely looking forward to being able to collaborate and communicate in person with everyone involved in the near future.

Thank you for your time David and for allowing us to get a deeper insight into the latest changes and future developments of the marketing department at Infosim® .

Dr. David Toumajian

Director of Marketing @ Infosim® GmbH & Co. KG

David is the Director of Marketing at Infosim®, where he is responsible for planning and implementing communications and market research strategies, as well as aligning interdepartmental initiatives. Before joining Infosim®, Dr. Toumajian was a marketing professor for many years, specializing in consumer behavior, market research methodologies and branding. He received his PhD from the University of Utah in 2005 and his M.B.A. from the Fachhochschule Reutlingen in 2000.

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