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Managed Services for Network Management – StableNet® as a Service

July 26th 2024, Würzburg

What is a Managed Service Provider (MSP)?

A managed service provider (MSP) is generally defined as an IT service provider that provides a range of defined services to a company or an organization. These areas of responsibility and services can vary broadly from provider to provider. Some focus on specialized tasks such as IT security, while others offer overall IT infrastructure management.

The services offered by an MSP can include for example monitoring, security management, vulnerability management, administration of cloud services, backup & restore or remote port provisioning. In most cases, this does not mean outsourcing your entire IT department, but rather having smaller to larger sub-areas managed.

How do I know if I need a managed service provider?

The demand for managed services depends entirely on your needs and requirements and how your company is currently organized. The fundamental question that companies need to ask themselves is whether all or only some of their IT needs should be outsourced or whether the tasks and services should be managed in-house.

When comparing managed services with an in-house IT department, profitability often plays a key role. Covering all IT tasks internally requires not only the necessary technology and infrastructure, but also a comprehensive number of trained specialists who can cover the need for a wide range of expertise.

For small and medium-sized companies in particular, the answer is often to outsource several or individual areas in order to reduce overall costs and compensate for a lack of expertise. Managed service providers offer the necessary expertise, manpower and experience in a predefined service model so that the costs can be clearly calculated.

Managed services in network management – StableNet® as a Service

Two years ago, we already gave you an insight into our StableNet® Managed Service portfolio. Since then, the portfolio has continued to evolve thanks to active feedback from customers and partners, as we have tailored it even more precisely to the needs of our customers. StableNet® as a Service (SNaaS) fits perfectly into our StableNet® portfolio by combining the advantages of our network & service management solution StableNet® with the requirements and services of a managed service solution.

Depending on the complexity of your network and your customization requirements, you can choose from three SNaaS solutions:

SNaaS Standard

Ready-made solution
for smaller networks

  • ✔ Quick roll-out
  • ✔ Very little effort required
  • ✔ Pre-packaged solution
  • ✔ Software-as-a-Service

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SNaaS Business

Enabling partners‘
SaaS business

  • ✔ Partner Service with vendor support
  • ✔ Own services can be added
  • ✔ StableNet® training to support your team
  • ✔ License-as-a-Service

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SNaaS Enterprise
Tailor-made solution
for large, complex networks

  • ✔ Front- and back-end operation option
  • ✔ Very customizable for countless use cases
  • ✔ Option for partner or service
  • ✔ Software-as-a-Service / Platform-as-a-Service

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Choosing the right solution for you depends on various criteria, such as the size of your company, the degree of customization and the services you require. From Software as a Service to Platform as a Service and License as a Service, everything is included.

SNaaS Standard

The Software-as-a-Service solution offers the perfect quick-start solution for smaller companies, as it is not only quickly available but also cost-effective. We take care of the set-up and operation so that you can refocus on your main tasks.

SNaaS Business

Exclusively for our StableNet® partners, we offer the SNaaS Business solution, which allows you to offer your own managed service solution based on StableNet®. The License-as-a-Service solution can be flexibly supplemented with your own services.

SNaaS Enterprise

SNaaS Enterprise is perfect for companies with large, complex network environments and individual requirements. With a variation from Platform-as-a-Service to Software-as-a-Service, you decide which areas you want to operate yourself and which you want us to take over.

Find out more on why SNaaS is the perfect solution for your company: StableNet-as-a-Service Overview
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