Streaming Network Telemetry

StableNet® Use Case – Performance & Service

Discovery &

Network Configuration & Change

Fault Management &
Root Cause Analysis

Performance &

Streaming Network Telemetry:

The StableNet® solution that empowers cutting-edge infrastructures with a network & service management platform that keeps pace

Take advantage of streaming telemetry for near realtime data with a scalable and highly automated solution that opens a new world of customization and insight into the KPIs that matter most to you

Executive Summary

Background & Motivation

Industry 4.0 manufacturing, smart cities, and the explosion of IoT connectivity all leverage real-time data from always-on devices to automate and optimize services and processes. Examples include machine-to-machine communications in mass production technologies, smart parking meters for urban planning, and 5G networks for increased wireless bandwidth. This new interconnected world relies on the quality and stability of the network layer to function effectively. Network data acquisition operates under two paradigms: the traditional pull system using SNMP for periodic polling and real-time event trapping, and the modern push system of streaming network telemetry, which provides continuous, detailed data from network and IoT devices.

The StableNet® platform supports both SNMP polling and streaming network telemetry, offering scalable, customizable, and automated solutions for network and service management. Streaming telemetry allows for the collection of over 20,000 KPIs from various devices, providing a more detailed and real-time analysis of network performance. Data is transferred to the StableNet® Telemetry Collector Module (STCM) and converted into a universally valid format for analysis, insight, and reporting. This dual approach enables setting up monitors and alerts, creating performance baselines, planning capacity, troubleshooting, and leveraging AI for automated decisions. With StableNet®, organizations can manage their network infrastructure effectively, ensuring optimal performance and future-proofing their operations.

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