Multi-Cloud Monitoring

StableNet® Use Case – Performance & Service

Discovery &

Network Configuration & Change

Fault Management &
Root Cause Analysis

Performance &

Hybrid Cloud Monitoring & End-to-End Service Quality Assurance:

An Automated & Cross-Technology Solution to Network & Service Management

See how the integration of private and public cloud monitoring with StableNet® ensures proactive management through a transparent control mechanism of your entire multi-technology environment.

Executive Summary

Background & Motivation

In network management, troubleshooting issues like network disruptions is a daily challenge for telco operators and enterprise customers alike. The complexity is exacerbated by the integration of public cloud services and the diverse technologies involved, from legacy infrastructure to SDN/NFV and multi-cloud environments. StableNet® offers a comprehensive solution by deploying its StableNet® Embedded Agents (SNEAs) strategically throughout your network infrastructure. These agents, compact and versatile with wired, wireless (WiFi), and cellular connectivity options, provide real-time monitoring and accurate performance measurements in diverse environments. Integrating with public cloud services via APIs, StableNet® consolidates monitoring and management under a unified platform, facilitating automated discovery, root cause analysis, and reporting within a single user interface.

By leveraging StableNet®’s integrated approach, network operators can effectively manage their hybrid infrastructures without the complexity of multiple proprietary tools. The platform supports customization of performance metrics across various technologies, offering unified dashboards and fault management capabilities. This consolidation not only enhances operational efficiency but also empowers proactive network management, enabling swift identification and resolution of issues before they impact service delivery. With StableNet®, organizations gain the agility to adapt to evolving network demands while optimizing resource allocation for sustained business growth in an increasingly interconnected digital landscape.

Multi-Cloud Monitoring

Figure 1: Multi-Cloud Monitoring in StableNet® using the example of Office 365

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