Fault Management and Root Cause Analysis

StableNet® Use Case – Fault Management & Root Cause Analysis

Discovery &

Network Configuration & Change

Fault Management &
Root Cause Analysis

Performance &

Fault Management by StableNet® with(out) Netcool: Consolidate your network landscape for scalability, customization and automation

See how StableNet® allows you to integrate legacy architectures into a unified network & services management solution, whether you want to complement Netcool or replace it

Executive Summary

Background & Motivation

The introduction of Netcool by Micromuse over thirty years ago revolutionized network event management, particularly for large telecommunications firms. Acquired by IBM in 2005, Netcool/OMNIbus uses dedicated probes to collect and manage thousands of events through static rules, synthesizing them into alarm notifications. However, its Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and monitoring capabilities require additional products, resulting in a fragmented system reliant on multiple databases and GUIs, with significant ongoing maintenance and resource costs.

StableNet® offers a more efficient and holistic solution to network and services management. Whether used alongside or as a replacement for Netcool, StableNet® integrates discovery, fault, performance, and configuration management into a single platform. Its Dynamic Rule Generation (DRG) automates RCA by continuously scanning and updating network dependencies, reducing the need for static rules. StableNet® also consolidates data from multiple sources into a unified database, providing meaningful insights into business-relevant network impacts. With a single codebase, data source, and GUI, StableNet® simplifies network management and enhances oversight, making it a scalable and cost-effective choice for modern, multi-vendor environments.

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